Alien Abductions! Jellyfish! Normal people and their homes!
One of the more lowkey, bite-sized exhibits at the Singapore Art Show is up at LASALLE College of the Arts’ Earl Lu Gallery. Traces features the works of Claire Lim, Tay Wei Leng and Hafiz Osman. It’s a charming albeit tenuously linked show laudably put together by Charmaine Toh under The Art Incubator residency programme. The two-month residency was held in June and July where the three artists got some mentoring and hosting help from fellow young artists like Ho Tzu Nyen and Jason Wee and institutions like Osage Gallery and Objectifs. The press release talks about Wei Leng’s “photographic reflections”, Claire’s “interpretation of the forming and passing of memories” and Hafiz’s “examination of the temporal nature of materiality.” In Resident Art-Throb-speak, it roughly translates to: Wei Leng taking photos of people inside their houses, Claire creating a bat-like thing surrounded by jellyfish, and Hafiz momentarily becoming a farmer with an appetite for X-Files.