Mexicans! Filipinos! Scorecards!
As promised last week, we’ve whipped out the scorecards for the two ongoing Filipino art exhibitions at SAM. But since there’s also an exhibition on Mexican modern art, I decided to do a mash-up and rate them all! (evil laughter) There were a lot to choose from, but here are 20 works – all mixed up – that I’ve rated on a scale of 1 (yawn) to 5 (yay). I still haven’t gotten it down to a science but the gist of it is: I get someone to point out a work for me (in this case, Ida from SAM) and, without looking at the artist’s name, do a five second assessment -- using my mental powers. Emphasis on “mental”, please. By the way, I’m also thinking of simplifying things even more by changing this 1-5 scorecard thing to a “thumbs up” or “thumbs down” affair. Thoughts? ***