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6 months’ jail for cook who molested domestic worker in lift in Chai Chee

SINGAPORE — A 55-year-old cook for an Indian food stall in Chai Chee was jailed for six months on Thursday (Aug 5) after molesting a foreign domestic worker in a lift last year. He had followed her into the lift a few times before he committed the crime.

Abdul Rahim Miskin, a Malaysian, hugged his victim and groped her chest while they were in a lift together.

Abdul Rahim Miskin, a Malaysian, hugged his victim and groped her chest while they were in a lift together.

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SINGAPORE — A 55-year-old cook for an Indian food stall in Chai Chee was jailed for six months on Thursday (Aug 5) after molesting a foreign domestic worker in a lift last year. He had followed her into the lift a few times before he committed the crime.

The domestic worker, a 38-year-old Indonesian, cannot be named due to a court order.

The court heard that Abdul Rahim Miskin, a Malaysian who worked at the stall located at Block 26A Chai Chee Road, started making small talk with the victim sometime last year.

Her employer would get her to buy food from the stall.

They eventually exchanged contact numbers, became friends, and would chat with each other over messaging application WhatsApp.

Abdul Rahim then began following the woman home in November last year.

Deputy Public Prosecutor (DPP) Chee Ee Ling said that he had followed the victim into the lift at least twice before he molested her on Dec 25 last year.

That day, Abdul Rahim entered the same lift as her after she went to buy food from the stall at about 1.30pm.

He pressed the button to the fourth floor and the victim pressed the button to the ninth floor.

When the lift started ascending, Abdul Rahim, who initially stood in front of the victim, went behind her, hugged her from behind, then used his left hand to grab her chest.

The woman struggled to break free and bent forward. She also started scolding him.

Abdul Rahim reacted by releasing his grip and patted her on the back.

When the lift reached the fourth floor, he exited and soon returned to the stall to continue working.

A surveillance camera that was installed in the lift captured Abdul Rahim’s actions.

The victim made a police report at close to 11pm that day, after telling her employer in the evening about being molested. 

For outrage of modesty, Abdul Rahim could have been jailed for up to two years or fined, or both. He could have been caned as well but the law does not allow caning for people aged above 50.

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crime court molest lift foreign domestic worker cook

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