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GE2020 constituency broadcasts: What Mountbatten SMC candidates have to say

SINGAPORE — Candidates from the People’s Action Party (PAP) and Peoples Voice contesting in Mountbatten Single Member Constituency (SMC) outlined their plans for the ward in a constituency political broadcast on Monday (July 6), ahead of the July 10 polls.

Mr Lim Biow Chuan (left) from the People's Action Party and Mr Sivakumaran Chellappa (right), from Peoples Voice are contesting in Mountbatten Single Member Constituency.

Mr Lim Biow Chuan (left) from the People's Action Party and Mr Sivakumaran Chellappa (right), from Peoples Voice are contesting in Mountbatten Single Member Constituency.

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SINGAPORE — Candidates from the People’s Action Party (PAP) and Peoples Voice contesting in Mountbatten Single Member Constituency (SMC) outlined their plans for the ward in a constituency political broadcast on Monday (July 6), ahead of the July 10 polls.

Mountbatten SMC was previously absorbed into Marine Parade Group Representation Constituency before its electoral boundaries were redrawn to be an SMC again in 2011.

Incumbent PAP candidate Lim Biow Chuan, 57, has served the ward as its Member of Parliament (MP) since he was elected in 2006. If elected, he and others from the class of 2006 will be among the longest-serving backbenchers in Parliament for the new term, as backbenchers from earlier batches are not seeking re-election.

The three-term former MP thanked residents for the privilege to serve them all this time. “Over the years, many of you have become almost like family to me. I’m truly touched by your warmth, your friendship and your care.”

In his three-minute speech, he set out what makes a good representative: “An MP must be willing to listen to the residents and allow residents to know you personally as an MP. Are you approachable? Are you sincere? Are you willing to listen to different views? And do you have a heart to serve the people?”

Mr Lim will be contesting against Peoples Voice’s Sivakumaran Chellappa, a private educator teaching students at primary, secondary and tertiary levels. He was formerly vice-chairman of the People’s Power Party, but did not contest in the 2015 General Election.

He said that he had joined Peoples Voice because the party is “in sync with my line of thought”.

“We found that there are areas that need to be seriously addressed,” he said. “We had put our minds together and sought clarity in the economic and political happenings of the day.”

In these broadcasts, candidates in four- and five-member GRCs have 12 and 15 minutes of airtime respectively. Those vying for single-seat wards each have three minutes to speak.

The broadcasts are being aired on Channel 5, CNA938,,, CNA YouTube, CNA Facebook and TODAY at 7pm from July 3 to 8.


  • Mr Lim pledged to continue listening to the concerns of Mountbatten residents if elected. “The purpose of making myself available to you is to hear your views, to understand your concerns and to hear your aspirations as well.”

  • Mr Lim said that the feedback he had gathered from residents had allowed him to lobby for changes in government policy as well as for constituency-level improvements. For example, he persuaded the Land Transport Authority (LTA) to construct a pair of elevators at a pedestrian overhead bridge along Jalan Batu to allow older pedestrians to cross the road safely and conveniently.

  • Other improvements due to residents’ feedback include safety improvements to the Marine Parade roundabout, following a fatal accident. Mr Lim asked LTA to raise the zebra crossing along Tanjong Rhu after receiving feedback of speeding along that road. The park connector along the Kallang riverside was also enhanced.

He said: “I've been with you for 14 years. Many of you have known me. This coming election, I wish to seek your mandate to continue serving you. With your support, we can make Mountbatten a better home for all of us.”


  • Mr Chellappa said that an MP should “serve the interests of the people and their aspirations by projecting it to the Government”. However, he added that it is often the reverse, that the Government’s interests are “forced upon the people”. “This should not be, and must be addressed,” he said.

  • This is most evident in job- and population-related matters, he said. He added that Singapore was progressing economically in the 1970s and 1980s, but in the late 1990s and early part of this century, there was “a deviation”. “The deviation was gradual at first… and now getting worse by the day.”

  • He said that Singaporeans should “scrutinise the matter and look for areas which would need improvement”. “I have sought answers to these (and) my seeking of answers had led to my involvement in politics.”

He said: “We are determined to point out the flaws and misconceived notions in the interest of the people, and have them corrected.”

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