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Jail for woman who trapped ex-girlfriend in flat for 9 days, extorted money with nude photo

SINGAPORE — Not content with roping in her boyfriend and two other men to assault her ex-girlfriend, Noorfarahain Mohd Noorudin trapped the victim in her flat for nine days last year, until she recovered from her severe injuries.

The prosecution highlighted that Noorfarahain Mohd Noorudin had treated her victim cruelly and subjected her to both mental and physical abuse.

The prosecution highlighted that Noorfarahain Mohd Noorudin had treated her victim cruelly and subjected her to both mental and physical abuse.

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SINGAPORE — Not content with roping in her boyfriend and two other men to assault her ex-girlfriend, Noorfarahain Mohd Noorudin trapped the victim in her flat for nine days last year, until she recovered from her severe injuries.

The victim was also forced to clean blood off the floor from the attack, and was ordered to do household chores during her captivity.

Towards the end of the ordeal, Noorfarahain threatened to beat her victim up again unless she allowed her to take a photograph of her naked body. She also extorted S$100 from the woman, and got the woman's mother to hand over another S$200.

The victim, then aged 33, escaped her captor’s clutches only when she managed to call her mother, who told her to take a taxi to meet her.

On Monday (July 1), Noorfarahain, 27, was sentenced to three years and two months’ jail, including an extra six weeks imposed in lieu of three strokes of the cane. By law, women cannot be caned.

She had pleaded guilty to five charges: Causing hurt, criminal intimidation, extortion, wrongful confinement, and consumption of a specified drug. Another eight similar charges were considered for sentencing.

She was also ordered to pay back S$300 to her victims.


The court heard that Noorfarahain and her victim dated for about a year until they broke up in November 2017. Two months later, Noorfarahain began dating her own cousin, Muhammad Indra Mohamed Yusli, 23.

The violent assault unfolded on Feb 9 last year, after the victim told Noorfarahain that she would go look after Noorfarahain’s young son at her flat.

When the victim got there at about 2am, Noorfarahain, Indra, Indra’s brother Muhammad Iskanda Mohamed Yusli, and Indra’s friend Joreemy Abdullah started questioning her. They asked her why she made Noorfarahain’s life miserable, and an argument broke out.

The four then began beating up the victim. Indra punched her in the face and Iskanda hit her in the jaw with a metal keychain, repeatedly raining blows on her till she fell to the ground. Joreemy also kicked her in the back and Noorfarahain slapped her three times on the cheek.

The victim did not retaliate.

After they stopped assaulting her, Indra told her to wash her face and clean the blood off the floor. Noorfarahain took away her belongings, including her wallet and mobile phone, while Indra told her that she was not allowed to leave the flat till she recovered from her injuries.

Iskanda and Joreemy left at about 7am. Indra again instructed her not to leave the flat, and told her that she was required to perform household chores.

She was made to sleep on the living room floor every night.

The couple held onto her belongings and kept the flat's gate and door locked at all times.


About a week later, on Feb 16, Noorfarahain threatened to hurt the victim again unless she stripped off her clothes and allowed Noorfarahain to take a picture of her naked body.

After that, she told the victim: “I have your naked photo. This is your dignity, so remember before you want to do anything. If you try to run away, I will make the photo viral on the Internet.”

The next day, Noorfarahain used the victim’s mobile phone to send a text message to the victim’s mother, asking for S$3,000. When the older woman replied that she did not have the money, Noorfarahain asked for S$200 instead, which was transferred to her daughter’s bank account.

Noorfarahain then ordered the victim to withdraw the S$200, threatening to post the nude photo online if she did not do so.

Court documents showed that the next day, on Feb 18, she again got the victim to withdraw another S$100 from her bank account and hand it over.

Later, at about 5pm, Noorfarahain told the victim to go to her mother’s flat on her own and wait at the void deck. The victim complied and did not try to escape.

When she got there, the victim seized the chance to call her own mother with a public payphone. The older woman told her to take a taxi to meet her at the National University Hospital, but court documents did not specify what happened there.

At around 12.45am, the victim walked into Yishun North Neighbourhood Police Centre, looking weak and sporting a swollen face.

She was then taken to Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, where she was found to have multiple contusions and blurred vision. She was given seven days’ medical leave.

Noorfarahain was arrested later that day in her flat. Her urine was found to contain methamphetamine, and she admitted to consuming it the previous day with Indra.

Indra’s court case is still pending, while Iskanda and Joreemy have not been charged yet.

Deputy Public Prosecutor Tan Yen Seow sought at least three years and three months’ jail for Noorfarahain, noting in particular that she had “cruelly treated” her victim and subjected her to both mental and physical abuse.

She had also confined the woman in her flat just one day short of 10 days, which would have attracted a more serious charge that carries a heavier punishment.

Noorfarahain’s lawyer, Mr James Ow Yong, said that the incident stemmed from a dispute over finances with the victim.

“She recognises that she truly went overboard… she’s divorced and has a young son, whom she bears responsibility for,” the lawyer said, asking for a lower sentence of two years and 10 months’ jail.

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