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Left by dog trainer in car boot for 1.5 hours, 2 bulldogs later died of heat stress

Two French bulldogs named Chocoby and Hunniby (pictured) died after they were left locked in a car boot of a hatchback for about 1.5 hours in a car park.
Two French bulldogs named Chocoby and Hunniby (pictured) died after they were left locked in a car boot of a hatchback for about 1.5 hours in a car park.
Dog trainer Sabrina Sim Xin Huey left two bulldogs in her car for 1.5 hours
She forgot about them when she got distracted by a social media post about a former client’s dog being bitten
By the time she rushed back to the car, the dogs were unconscious
They were declared dead at a veterinary clinic, found to have died from heat stress
Sim pleaded guilty to a charge under the Animals and Birds Act and will be sentenced in June