Customers not penalised for bringing their own bags: FairPrice
We refer to the letter, “Don’t make consumers pay more for refusing plastics” (Aug 19), and thank Ms Preeti Athavle for her feedback.
We refer to the letter, “Don’t make consumers pay more for refusing plastics” (Aug 19), and thank Ms Preeti Athavle for her feedback.
The example of bundled promotions cited by Ms Athavle is to offer better value to customers who buy in bulk. For convenience, the items are prepacked in reusable carrier bags that can be recycled or reused.
The savings enjoyed are unrelated to plastic-bag use. Nor do they penalise consumers who bring their own bags.
We collaborate with partners such as Zero Waste SG to promote a nationwide bring-your-own-bag campaign and with the Singapore Environment Council to educate children to bring their own bags.
We also adopt a comprehensive programme to instil awareness of the responsible use of plastic bags and remain committed to creating a more sustainable environment. Details of our efforts can be found in our annual Sustainability Report.
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