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Living with Pompe disease

03:09 Min
“We are not just keeping her alive. We want to give her a life that any other child is entitled to,” says Patricia Ng, mother of Chloe Mah who suffers from Pompe disease. Chloe was diagnosed with the rare fatal condition at 7 months and was not expected to live past her first year. She is celebrating her 12th birthday this year. Read more here.  Video: Raj Nadarajan/ TODAY

“We are not just keeping her alive. We want to give her a life that any other child is entitled to,” says Patricia Ng, mother of Chloe Mah who suffers from Pompe disease.

Chloe was diagnosed with the rare fatal condition at 7 months and was not expected to live past her first year.

She is celebrating her 12th birthday this year.

Read more here. 

Video: Raj Nadarajan/ TODAY
