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2 weeks after Trump blocked it, Democrats release rebuttal of GOP memo

Prints of a memo released by the Democratic minority on the U.S. House of Representatives Intelligence Committee are seen, in Washington, DC, U.S. on February 24, 2018. Photo: Reuters

Prints of a memo released by the Democratic minority on the U.S. House of Representatives Intelligence Committee are seen, in Washington, DC, U.S. on February 24, 2018. Photo: Reuters

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WASHINGTON - The House Intelligence Committee released a redacted Democratic memorandum on Saturday (Feb 24), countering Republican claims that top FBI and Justice Department officials had abused their powers in spying on a former Trump campaign aide.

The document was intended by Democrats to offer a point-by-point refutation of what it called the "transparent" attempt by President Donald Trump's allies on the committee to undermine the congressional and special counsel investigations into Russia's meddling in the 2016 presidential election and possible coordination with the Trump campaign.

But the dueling accounts reflected an extraordinary struggle on the committee to try to shape public perceptions of the credibility of the nation's top law enforcement agencies. For weeks, instead of focusing its full energy on investigating an attack on the U.S. democratic system, the committee has been pulled into a furious effort by Trump and his allies to sow doubts about the integrity of the special counsel inquiry and the agencies conducting it.

The Democratic memo amounted to a forceful rebuttal to the president's portrayal of the Russia inquiry as a "witch hunt" being perpetrated by politically biased leaders of the FBI and the Justice Department.

The newfound animosity toward the FBI among ostensibly law-and-order Republicans was reflected this past week at the Conservative Political Action Conference, where speakers like Wayne LaPierre, the head of the National Rifle Association, attacked what they called its "rogue leadership".

At the conference on Saturday, Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., the committee's chairman, said the newly released memo showed that Democrats were engaged in a cover-up and were "colluding with parts of the government" to carry it out.

The Democratic memo underwent days of review by top law enforcement officials after the president blocked its outright release two weeks ago, with the White House counsel warning that the document "contains numerous properly classified and especially sensitive passages." On Saturday afternoon, after weeks of haggling over redactions, the department returned the document to the committee so it could make it public.

The release was expected to be the final volley, at least for now, in a bitter partisan fight over surveillance that has driven deep fissures through the once-bipartisan Intelligence Committee.

Rep. Adam B. Schiff of California, the top Democrat on the committee, said Saturday that the Democratic memo should "put to rest" Republican assertions of wrongdoing against the former Trump aide, Carter Page, in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act process.

"Our extensive review of the initial FISA application and three subsequent renewals failed to uncover any evidence of illegal, unethical or unprofessional behavior by law enforcement and instead revealed that both the FBI and DOJ made extensive showings to justify all four requests," he said in a statement.

Republicans, including Trump, were undeterred. The White House dismissed the Democratic document as an attempt "to undercut the president politically."

"The Democrat memo response on government surveillance abuses is a total political and legal BUST," Trump wrote on Twitter. "Just confirms all of the terrible things that were done. SO ILLEGAL!"

The president said on Saturday night that the memo confirmed the Republican version of events and reflected poorly on Democrats, suggesting that both were grounds for launching an investigation of his political opponents.

"That was nothing but a confirmation, and a lot of bad things happened on the other side - not on this side, but on the other side - and somebody should look at it, because what they did was really fraudulent," Trump said in a telephone interview with Fox News host Jeanine Pirro.

"By somebody," the president added, "I mean you-know-who." He appeared to be referring to Jeff Sessions, the attorney general, whom he has savaged in recent days for failing to open an investigation of unspecified "crimes" by Democrats.

The Intelligence Committee dispute centres on an application by the FBI in October 2016 to secure a secret warrant to spy on Page, suspected by U.S. law enforcement of being a Russian agent, as well as the subsequent renewals.

Republicans, in their three-and-a-half-page memo, had claimed that top law enforcement officials abused their most sensitive powers in relying on politically motivated research provided by a former British spy, Christopher Steele.

The Republicans complained that the FBI did not tell a secret intelligence court that Steele's work had been financed by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign, suggesting that a judge needed to know that information to evaluate the credibility of the information.

But the Democratic document shows that the FBI did tell the surveillance court that Steele's research was commissioned by someone who wanted to discredit Trump's campaign and that the information provided by Steele, a trusted source in the past, was only part of the evidence supporting a wiretap.

According to the memo, officials laid out a "multipronged rationale" for spying on Page, including his past interactions with Russian spies, and informed the court of a counterintelligence investigation then underway into the Kremlin's covert influence campaign.

Page, a former investment banker based in Moscow, had been on the FBI's radar for years, long before his work with Trump. The Democratic memo reveals that the FBI interviewed Page as late as March 2016 about his contacts with Russian intelligence agents, the same month Trump added him to his foreign policy advisory team.

The information from Steele was about "specific activities in 2016" by Page, including suspected meetings with close associates of Russian President Vladimir Putin during a July trip to Moscow, the Democrats said.

The document says the bureau did disclose to the court that it had made use of information that was gathered through politically motivated means and quotes from the application itself.

"The FBI speculates that the identified US person was likely looking for information that could be used to discredit" Trump's campaign, the FBI wrote in the application.

The Democrats said it would have been inappropriate and inconsistent with standard practice for officials to have disclosed to the court the names of American individuals and organisations that had paid Steele.

The FBI frequently relies on sources who have agendas, whether it is a gang turncoat or a mafia informer. What is typically seen as important by courts is that the agenda is disclosed to a judge.

In the case of Page, the surveillance applications were reviewed by four judges, all appointed by Republican presidents, the document says. Each approved the request.

The memo also asserts that in applications to renew the wiretap, the FBI provided the court with information from independent sources corroborating Steele's findings. Much of the specific corroborating evidence was blacked out.

And, according to the Democrats, the wiretap produced "valuable intelligence" for the FBI that was used to justify its renewal three times. The document offers specific examples, which were redacted by the Justice Department.

The warrant application itself remains under seal, and only a handful of lawmakers from either party have seen it. The New York Times has filed a motion asking the surveillance court to take the unusual step of unsealing it.

The Democratic document also rebuts claims by Republicans, including Trump, that the FBI relied on Steele's findings to open its counterintelligence inquiry in late July 2016. Information from Steele, the memo says, did not reach the FBI counterintelligence team investigating Russian meddling until mid-September, well after the inquiry had been opened and after the FBI had already begun looking at other campaign associates.

The document challenges several other prominent Republican claims. For instance, the Republican memo asserted that the FBI had presented to the court a Yahoo News article from September 2016 as corroboration of Steele's claims, despite the fact that it later emerged that Steele had been a source for it.

The Democrats said that the article, and another it did not identify, was merely used to inform the court that Page had publicly denied having the meetings in Moscow.

Republicans on the Intelligence Committee released a point-by-point response to the Democratic document, which they said only confirmed that the FBI had relied on politically motivated material. In a separate document, they wrote that the Democrats had provided a "lengthy but wholly unpersuasive attempt to distract from the committee's key findings" on surveillance abuse.

Page, in a statement, called the memo "a smear campaign" by Democrats that only made it more important that the underlying applications be released publicly.

Democrats have insisted that Trump's deference to national security concerns in delaying the memo's release was hypocritical and politically motivated. Just a week before blocking their memo's release, the president had ignored similar objections from the Justice Department and the FBI to declassify the contents of the rival Republican memo, which was based on the same underlying documents. NEW YORK TIMES


The FBI used only a small part of the information provided by Steele

The Democratic memo says the application made "narrow use" of information from Steele's sources. It describes multiple other categories of information, including yearslong suspicions that Page was being recruited by Russian spies, and revealed that the FBI had interviewed Page about his ties to Russian intelligence officials in March 2016.

It also discussed Moscow's apparent overtures to another Trump campaign official and its general meddling during that period, which prompted the FBI to open the Trump-Russia investigation in late July * before the bureau's investigative team received Steele's information.

Some of that material remains redacted in the version of the memo made public Saturday.

By contrast, Republicans have portrayed Steele's information as the central focus of the application, filed to the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. The Republican memo said it formed "an essential part" of the application, and in a separate memo, Sens. Charles E. Grassley and Lindsey Graham, Republicans of Iowa and South Carolina, stated that "the bulk" of the application was Steele's information.

The Democratic memo also says that what the FBI did use from Steele did not include the salacious parts of his dossier. Instead, it says, the bureau chiefly relied on the dossier's claims that Page had met with a Kremlin official as well as a close associate of President Vladimir Putin during a July 2016 trip to Moscow, during which the official offered to provide compromising information about Clinton to the Trump campaign.

Notably, the Democratic memo also said that in subsequent renewals of the wiretap application, the Justice Department "provided additional information obtained through multiple independent sources that corroborated Steele's reporting."

The surveillance court knew that Steele's clients had a political motive

The Republican memo complained that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court was not told that the Clinton campaign and the DNC had financed Steele's research, suggesting that the judges were misled about the credibility of his information. Democrats have called that claim misleading because the judges were told of a political motive, just without specific names.

The Democratic memo provides a verbatim excerpt from the application, which stated that the FBI believed that Steele had been commissioned by someone "likely looking for information that could be used to discredit Candidate #1's campaign," referring to Trump.

A Yahoo News article was not used to corroborate Steele.

The wiretap application included a Yahoo News article from September 2016 that discussed the investigation into Page's Russian ties. The Republican memo portrayed the application as having improperly used that article as corroboration of Steele's claims, even though it later emerged - in a spring 2017 court filing - that Steele had been a source for it.

The Democratic memo calls that a false claim by the Republicans. Instead, it says, the Justice Department referred to the Yahoo News article * as well as another one the Republican memo failed to mention * "not to provide separate corroboration for Steele's reporting, but instead to inform the court of Page's public denial of his suspected meetings in Moscow."

Republican-appointed judges approved the surveillance of Page.

The Republican memo portrayed the wiretapping of Page as a partisan conspiracy. Notably, the Democratic memo reveals that all four judges on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court who approved the initial surveillance - which began in October 2016 - as well as three 90-day renewals were appointed by Republican presidents.

To approve such a wiretap of an American, a judge must decide that there is sufficient evidence that the target is probably an agent of a foreign power or knowingly aiding foreign agents.

The wiretap of Page generated useful intelligence

When the Justice Department repeatedly sought the court's permission to renew the surveillance of Page, the Democratic memo said, it cited new information it was gathering through the wiretap.

"The court-approved surveillance of Page allowed FBI to collect valuable intelligence," the Democratic memo said. It asserted that the repeated renewals "demonstrate that the FBI collected important investigative information and leads by conducting court-approved surveillance."

What that intelligence was, however, was redacted.

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