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Entire Altantuya murder probe and trial suspect, says DAP's Lim Kit Siang

KUALA LUMPUR — The entire investigation, prosecution and trial of the murder of Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu 13 years ago should be subject to an inquiry, following accusations that former prime minister Najib Razak had ordered her killing, said DAP’s Lim Kit Siang.

Entire Altantuya murder probe and trial suspect, says DAP's Lim Kit Siang
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KUALA LUMPUR — The entire investigation, prosecution and trial of the murder of Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu 13 years ago should be subject to an inquiry, following accusations that former Malaysian prime minister Najib Razak had ordered her killing, said Democratic Action Party's (DAP) Lim Kit Siang.

The claim, made by former police officer Azilah Hadri in a statutory declaration, should be the latest push for reopening investigations into the murder of the 28-year-old, who is allegedly linked to Mr Najib through a sexual relationship and a submarine deal with France.

“The shocking sworn statement of the death row inmate and former commando Azilah Hadri justifies inquiry into the whole process of investigation, prosecution and trial for the murder of Altantuya.

“At stake is not just the reputation of Najib and (wife) Rosmah Mansor, but Malaysia’s international repute and standing as a developed and civilised society where the rule of law and justice prevail… where people do not disappear for no rhyme or reason or get murdered without a motive,” Mr Lim said in a statement today.

Mr Lim said he had long pushed for a reinvestigation over the years since the trial in 2008, noting that he had never once accused Mr Najib of Altantuya’s murder.

But he said he had always believed that the “ghost of Altantuya will continue to haunt Najib and Malaysia until there is a full and satisfactory investigation” into the motive for the murder and the identities of the real murderers.

In his statement dated Oct 17, Azilah said the order to exterminate the Mongolian came directly from Mr Najib, who was deputy prime minister then.

The order was also repeated through Mr Najib’s special officer at the time, Mr Abdul Razak Baginda.

Altantuya was killed between the night of Oct 19 and early hours of Oct 20, 2006.

Mr Razak was charged with conspiracy to murder but was acquitted without having to enter his defence, while Azilah and fellow commando Sirul Azhar Umar, were eventually convicted and sentenced to death in 2015.

Mr Lim, who is the Iskandar Puteri Member of Parliament, reiterated his reasons for reopening investigations into Altantuya’s murder.

These include the first statutory declaration of the late private investigator P Balasubramanian, dated July 1, 2008. Mr Balasubramanian had retracted his statement a day later, reportedly under duress.

Mr Lim said past testimony and statements by Sirul during the trial should also be taken into account, where the former commando said he had only been a tool in the murder and that he was being “sacrificed” to protect unnamed people. THE MALAYSIAN INSIGHT

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