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Malaysian police checking Anwar’s alibi on day of alleged sex attack

KUALA LUMPUR — Police are trying to determine Anwar Ibrahim’s whereabouts on the day he allegedly sexually assaulted his aide, Muhammed Yusoff Rawther, Inspector-General of Police Abdul Hamid Bador said.

Anwar Ibrahim has said was campaigning in the Port Dickson by-election on Oct 2 last year, but admitted he was in Kuala Lumpur during the day to attend a Mahatma Gandhi memorial event.

Anwar Ibrahim has said was campaigning in the Port Dickson by-election on Oct 2 last year, but admitted he was in Kuala Lumpur during the day to attend a Mahatma Gandhi memorial event.

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KUALA LUMPUR — Police are trying to determine Anwar Ibrahim’s whereabouts on the day he allegedly sexually assaulted his aide, Muhammed Yusoff Rawther, Inspector-General of Police Abdul Hamid Bador said.

The top cop said Anwar’s whereabouts on the day of the alleged incident was yet to be established.

“One says (location) A, another says (location) B. So the police need to find the where and when (of Anwar) and get the right information,” he said, after attending a handing over of duties ceremony at Bukit Aman headquarters on Monday (Dec 23).

Anwar’s former aide Yusoff alleges that he was sexually assaulted on Oct 2 last year at Anwar’s house in Bukit Segambut.

He filed a statutory declaration in November this year and subsequently lodged a police report on Dec 7.

Anwar — who is Malaysia's People's Justice Party president — has denied the allegation, saying that he was campaigning in the Port Dickson by-election on that day, but admitted he was in Kuala Lumpur during the day to attend a Mahatma Gandhi memorial event.

Police recorded Anwar’s statement on Dec 12, after which the investigators visited his house in Bukit Segambut, where the alleged sexual assault took place.

As for the the accuser’s polygraph test results, Mr Hamid said the tool was to help the investigators ascertain if the person was telling the truth. 

“If he is telling the truth we will double our efforts, try to find the angle and see where we need to work more to find the evidence needed. 

“For now I don’t know the results of his polygraph.”

Last week, Yusoff spent about four hours in Bukit Aman sitting for a polygraph test on his claims.

Yusoff, accompanied by his lawyer Mohamed Haniff Khatri Abdulla, arrived at Bukit Aman about 3pm and left about 8.40pm. THE MALAYSIAN INSIGHT

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